What we shouldn't do is measure absolutely everything and attach importance to every metric. And this is where Google Analytics 4 meets our needs . Although the system takes away some of our existing tools, it gives us the opportunity to create our own. Custom reports, tailored to our needs - ones that will tell us everything as soon as we look at them. That's why I invite you to the Exploration section and I recommend making friends with it now.
This is most likely where you will spend most of your time. Explore section – what will you find there? When you enter the appropriate tab, you will see exactly this view: The website is empty and that's how it should be. The Explorations C Level Contact List section gives us the opportunity to create a report ourselves that will be perfectly tailored to our needs and intentions. As you can see, there are various templates to create.

Custom reports, and most are worth using. Let's briefly describe each of them: Free exploration – we will use this exploration most often to create the report we want; Funnel exploration – simply put, in this report we create a conversion funnel and analyze it; Funnel sequence mining – in this report we can analyze how users actually convert. Valuable report in terms of UX and consumer behavior.