Toldi Author Francesca Toldi Curious proactive and perfectionist. She never backs down from a challenge. She arrived in the world of communication from a very varied educational background and is now a digital analyst and content creator in Digital Dictionary. Distinguishing features devourer of novels and professional cinephile. Her motto don't stop until you are proud!Digital Dictionary is LinkedIn's partner for Italy Written by Editorial Staff | October TRAINING DIGITAL TREND DIGITAL STRATEGY BEST ADV ' read Every day all of us use social networks in a more or less active way also based on our age and the profession we carry out. Today however networking has become fundamental; the more people you know and connect with the greater your chances of being noticed and introduced to potential customers suppliers and experts. LinkedIn represents without a shadow of a doubt the professional social network par excellence. By structuring your presence on LinkedIn it is possible to build a solid network of professional contacts over time. In short it is a social network that any professional should be on; nothing short of fundamental if you intend to cultivate and strengthen your professional network. In this article we will talk about LinkedIn what it is and what to know LinkedIn to support corporate communication Digital Dictionary becomes LinkedIn partner for Italy sales transformation neuromarketing inbound sales . LinkedIn what it is and what to know LinkedIn is defined as the professional social network par excellence since it is the first social media entirely dedicated to the world of work a platform developed to encourage and enable interconnections between individuals in the business sector.