The page source code. Search for robots in the page source code (on Windows PCs you can search for something using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F). You should see a search result. Check whether the robots entry says name=”robots” content=”follow, index” . If yes, then the page is released for indexing. In Google Search Console, go to Coverage , click Excluded and then click Excluded by “noindex” tag in the details . Now you get an overview of all your URLs that are kept away from indexing by the robots meta specification noindex .
If you notice that some pages are set to noindex , you would have to adjust the setting in your CMS (like WordPress) and set your page to index . 15. BROKEN LINKS AND 404 ERRORS Let's move on to the last SEO error that often occurs, especially on large websites: broken links that cause a 404 Australia Phone Number Data error. You probably know it yourself: you are on a website, click on a link and then? Then exactly nothing happens. Because the link leads nowhere because the page for this link no longer exists.

From a user perspective, this is particularly annoying, which is why you should always keep an eye on your links. Make sure that all your internal and external links work . And in the event that a URL for your site changes, for example, be sure to set up a redirect. This prevents exactly what I just described: the link into the void. A redirect ensures that your users arrive at the desired page despite the changed URL.