Why they behave the way they do, we limit our ability to create smart, holistic strategies," says Sir Interactive. These are the words of Sarah Garbatch, Senior Account Manager, Search and Audience Insights, Inc. “In 2020, I recommend going to your customers and sitting with them,” Garbatch said. “Talk to your customers and ask them to tell you about their purchase journey, how they use search, and what they think of your site. Use data to inform decisions at each stage.” User-focused optimization is achieved by incorporating SEO into your overall marketing strategy. This will be the biggest trend of 2020, says Leanne Jones, director of Publix Sapient's SEO group. "Now more than ever, businesses need to stop treating SEO as a seasoning added to their digital marketing. Treat it as a key ingredient in their business plan," Jones said. . “
SEO professionals will have to develop their skillset to understand holistic marketing and digital assets. There will be less of a need to fix SEO problems and less of a need to fix marketing and business problems. It’s going to increase.” Trend 2: High-quality, optimized content "One thing has always been, and always Belgium Phone Number Data will be, the lifeblood of SEO," said Anna Clough, assistant editor at Search Engine Journal. It's the content. " Content influences everything in SEO, " Krogh said. “From the site structure to the internal linking strategy of the links you build.” "To be successful in 2020, you have to write something relevant and valuable," said Tony Wright, CEO of Wright IMC. "So SEOs need to learn how to write content, or hire people who know how to write content," Wright said. "Google's editorial power is not perfect yet. There will be content that shouldn't get that ranking, but the day will come when the best content will win." "Set the goal of retaining the best content for your topic, or at least the content that's relevant to your topic," says Eric Enzi, general manager at Perficient Digital. states.

To do this, you need to make sure your content is something that Google will value in the future. “This will help you effectively win long-tail searches (which make up about 70% of all search queries) by building authority for your site and driving demand for your content. This will help to have a direct positive impact on ROI generation and ROI,” Enzi said. “Furthermore, this approach to content is exactly what Google is looking for to meet the needs of its users, and it's a market investment that Google isn't making, because Google is trying to do things at scale. That's because you're trying to process it using an algorithm." Jesse McDonald, global SEO strategist at IBM, and Jessica Levenson, SEO and content strategy consultant, said, ``2020 will be the year of freedom from keyword obsession.'' There is. Break the habit of ranking for individual keywords, page views, and creating content randomly.