For example, invite your audience to buy your crafts and merchandise, post a few promotional posts about yourself, or even create a separate profile for your online store and advertise from your main account. As in previous cases, you will advertise some product, but this time your well being will directly depend on how they react to it. Selling an account This article is not for everyone, especially if your profile was originally presente as a small personal blog with your selfies and life stories.
But if anonymous content was poste there that manage to win fans, then such an Phone Number List account can sold at a time, depending on activity and statistics. of earning, you will turn into an SMM manager who receives money for someone's brand development or content promotion, and then returns the bills to the owners. Earnings on tasks This is the most impractical but still existing method. There are several services that offer you cents for likes on posts or comments below them.
Scrolling through a thousand photos and writing down hundres of lines, you can withdraw rubles, but devote half a day to this, which makes this method absolutely useless. On the other hand, no one forbids automating the process with the help of special macros and utilities, as well as working with different profiles, increasing profits up to a whopping rubles a day or more. How many subscribers do you nee to start earning , rubles per month.