It also sets the scene for the study. Literature review: Identifies gaps in knowledge and establishes a theoretical framework for the study. Review the prior research and literature on the selected trade policy topic. Methodology: Explain the approach that you would take to answer the research question or test the hypothesis. It includes the study design, data-gathering strategies, and analytic procedures. Results: Outlines the empirical research’s conclusions, frequently with the help of tables, charts, or graphs to show the information.
Discussion: Examine the findings in light of the study topic, connect WhatsApp Number List them to the body of literature already in existence, and talk about how trade policy may be affected. Conclusion: important findings. Moreover, restates the value of the research and makes some suggestions for additional research. References: Provides an inventory of all the sources cited in the dissertation, adhering to a particular citation style. Appendices: It contains extra information that complements the main body of the dissertation. It may include survey instruments, raw data, or other supporting resources. Conclusion Carrying out an empirical study for your trade policy master’s dissertation is a demanding yet worthwhile project.
By following these guidelines, you can successfully negotiate the challenges of the research process and offer insightful contributions to the field.You must follow a proper dissertation structure to produce a well-written dissertation demonstrating your trade policy proficiency. Don’t you have enough time to do thorough research and writing, or do you have no skills to do it perfectly? Are you looking for expert help? In this scenario, we advise you to buy a trade policy master’s dissertation from English writers of The Academic Papers UK.