To change their roles instantly. Users can also edit their profile to add a profile picture or change most information but cannot change their role. If required you can extend the list of user information using available plugins. For example they allow you to add new fields to your profile such as biography or job description. Need help with your website? Take advantage of our team of experts with the right knowledge and experience.
We provide your company with a professional service – we create individual website support plans as well as standardized support packages for your system. Write to us User roles in Roles allow you to assign different levels of permissions to users on Country Email List your site, based on their preferences and needs. There are default user roles. These are Subscribers which are the most restricted roles. Subscribers can create user profiles but cannot publish or edit posts.
They have the ability to add comments without entering their login details each time, receive notifications and have access to private content. Collaborators have all the rights of subscribers but can also edit and delete their own posts. However, it is not possible to post content or upload multimedia files. Authors can only publish posts they have written and embed files such as images and videos in them. But you won’t have access to features like plugins, themes, settings, and tools.